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So you pulled off a successful blackhat hack, or you just happen to run a profitable ransomware operation. How to convert your profits to Lambos?
Let the daddy godfather @moo9000 to tell you, a thread.

Chinese do hacking as well, but Chinese hacking is more political / human right activitism issues whereas Russian tend to just want to earn some #bitcoin for their hard work.
This has a name. It is called privateering, or state sponsored robbery. It has 500 years legacy, from the era of pirates.

With no exception, there funds seem disappear to @tornadocash or converted to BTC using e.g. @WrappedBTC
On-chain crime funds have too many eyeballs on them.
Now the juicy part.
Turns out that having high wealth in crypto is not that interesting. You need a lambo and a lot of bling bling in Moscow night to get all those hot Russian chicks. They are not attracted to NFTs.
Why be criminal AND poor?
While Coinbase is one of more legit exchanges, you will find avenues to convert your BTC to Lambos and wealth in London real-estate market.
I guess Binance debit card still works and is good for cashing out.

Binance does not care as long as they claim plausible deniability.
How would they know?
They are public. It is pretty easy to find out, especially after the fact. As long police and courts publish these addresses.
Let's pop open some of the addresses.
How many Lambos $130M buys for you?
All laundered through Binance.β¦

Ooh transacted out through the Binance hot wallet.β¦
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